i'm finally putting pictures of our new home! yay! sorry for those who really don't care but the pictures are pretty boring and detailed. we have family who wanna see and i have one nosy mama ;-) oh and you can tell i also have a nosy puppy... can you spot him in the pictures?!
its pouring down rain otherwise i would have taken better pictures from the outside but please spare me... the morning walk was wet as it was! here's the details though... its a 2007 heartland cyclone. it is a 5th wheel toy hauler with two slides (the bed and the couch/table).
Here's our nice new king sized bed. i will never go back now lol i love having mike and remmi in bed but never even know =) plus i loved shopping for new bedsets.
Here's the view from our bed... we finally have a tv in our room and hello cable =) we'll eventually hook dish up but for now i'm happy with my scratchy 5 channels... also its really nice to have a built in dresser so we can put the other one in the back for baby. also notice the closet! hello space for more clothes!
this is probably the only thing i would change is to have the bathroom one room but since its just the two of us we'll live... the nice thing about this sink compared to the last though is its out of the way plus the mirror opens up for more storage!
yay! we can finally shower in our trailer! the last one had a stupid half bath thing so we just used it for storage. its so nice to be able to use this one now...
heres the couch... this is the first thing you see you when you open the door... the second tv is above the door so its nice and cozy to sit and watch movies all day right here =)
just another trailer table...
i was a little worried about the cupboards being sideways and how we were going to keep it organized but i actually love this. everything has its own shelf!
this is probably my favorite part. i love baking and now i have enough counter space to set my kitchen aid and kind of spread out. i know it doesn't look like much space for you "privledged house people" but trust me it is!
here's the view from the garage =)
and here's christopher's bed up above. lemme tell you that is probably the hardest bed i've ever had to make... christopher will probably love it. for being such a big guy he sure like cozy spots =) also its kinda bulky and i don't really like having the kennel inside but it sure has made a difference in kennel training remmi. he's starting to like it more and more! thank goodness!
and here is the garage part of the trailer that we're turning into the nursery! we have this bed and actually another bed comes down over this one to make bunk beds but we're leaving the other one up. for now we're also moving this bed up so make can use this for work clothes and taking off muddy boots...
this is the dresser we had in the other one that is currently empty but i'm sure will be full of baby clothes here soon! =)
our plan is to put the crib in this general area... now grandmas and great grandmas don't freak out. we will be moving the rifle and dog food and carpeting this area. you guys know me better than this =) i still have 7 months to make the rough edges soft =)
and lastly the door! lol no remmi just looked too cute he needed his own picture... who would guess that this sweet devil has been giving me a run for my money!
well there ya go! a look inside the mcbride trailer house. we're so happy it finally worked out and we have a nice large place to raise remmi and soon baby mcbride =)