Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wesson's Birth Story

He's here... my sweet, sweet baby boy is finally here. Currently i am sitting on the floor looking over pictures and remembering all the not so fun details of how he came to be curled up with daddy on the couch right now. man is it a beautiful site... this amazing adventure started wednesday morning around 9 am. i was so excited to finally be feeling contractions it took everything to not get my hopes up and try to make the day go by. i was able to time them all day long but wednesday evening is when they started to get to 5 mins apart. i told myself i'd go in at 3 mins. so close to midnight i finally decided okay lets go! the storm must have put a lot of other woman into labor, it was a packed night on the 2nd floor! i went in at 1.5 cm dilated. ouch i had been that for 2 weeks already! they said either in an hour i had to make progress or either leave and go home or stay and get induced. needless to say this was our least favorite nurse!! i was not going back home so i bounced on that damn ball for an hour, crying, wondering if we were even going to be able to stay. worse hour of the night. but i got it done and i dilated to a 2! we got admitted made our phone calls and it was go time. i was at a 3 around 8:30 am and than a 4 around noon when Dr. Julie Meltzer decided lets break my water and get it going. and boy did it get it going... through the morning i'd stayed pretty calm and kept my deep breathing right on track but once those contractions started getting harder it was a rough bit. i had AMAZING coaches. my husband was an incredible couch! seriously if i could lend him out to help others i would. he kept me focused and positive. my mom was also my coach and although Mike was definatly my main go to i needed my mama in there to help keep grounded! around 2 i was dilated to a 7 which pretty much gave me my second wind. from 2 to 3:30ish i dilated to a 10! whew! i pushed for about an hour before we finally got to see our boy. it was truely an incredible experience that i can't really put into a blog so if you want the dirty details i'd be more than happy to share... Jussy and Whitney this is including you two ;-) i'm very thrilled i was able to do it natural.... i can honestly say not once did i say i wanted an epidural but i did say i couldn't do it anymore, A LOT! that was my go to phrase. also i should announce that uncle christopher guessed right on the date (april 26th) and was closest to the weight and time of birth. ha now thanks to Grandpa Schenck i can share wesson's birth story through pictures :) they make me cry every time...

Wesson Michael McBride: born April 26th at 4:37 pm.... 8 lbs 3 ozs... 20.5 inches long... we love you more than anything baby boy, you are the perfect addition to our growing family.

***also we cannot forget Baby Gracelynn made her appearance less than 24 hours after Wes. Faith you did AMAZING!! what a tough labor good thing you're such a tough cookie!! :) we got to visit before labor got too bad and we were neighbors once our sweet babies were born. its been so wonderful having Faith and Miss Whitney (only a few weeks left mama!!) to cling onto these few months and especially the really rough last few weeks. I can't wait to watch us grow as mamas and to watch these babies grow up!!***

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on Baby Wesson! I am so happy to hear he has arrived! What a great birth story, you go girl! :)
