Thanksgiving Day:
so yes this was my first thanksgiving cooking all by myself, well with many phone calls to mom (as she so wonderfully blasted all over facebook!)i think all in all it went pretty smoothly though, minus the mishap with the microwave :-/ but heres a few pictures of our trailer park thanksgiving!
okay worst part... stuffing our chicken. ick, gross, sick.
thank goodness we didn't try a small turkey, this baby chick was pushing our luck in the tiny oven!!
and taaa daaa! looks pretty good if i say so myself!! :)
thank goodness Josh showed up cause we weren't sure how to cut it up lol it was a very educational day for the McBrides!!
Happy Thanksgiving!! =)
we did go out on black friday only just for fun... we took our sweet time getting up and going so the crowds were pretty much all gone. we got all our shopping done though! yay! after shopping Mike wanted to show me an old light plant (i LOVE creepy old buildings!) besides Remmi needed to get out and run without worrying bout cars. its actually pretty cool and the pictures don't really do it justice but here ya go! :)
The Light Plant...
And than we let Remmi run and run =) as you can see he could literally run for miles and we could pretty much still see him haha.
monster dog <3 br="br">
we carved our name in the sand stone... we apparently can't make a perfect heart!
Although i was pretty upset we missed my favorite day of the whole year back home. i was pretty excited Casper had a light show to offer, including FREE hot chocolate and cookies! yes! it was kinda odd going to a parade and getting front row seats and being able to walk up and down the streets. we didn't even show up early! but wow was it freezing! About half way we both couldn't feel our fingers and Rem was starting to shiver so we headed home for hot cocoa and Christmas movies. We figure next year we'll bundle up better and stick out the whole thing for Wes :)we did have a lot of fun though!
Here's downtown Casper...
Mike and Rem :)
i have so many things to be thankful for in life. i have a wonderful husband, a healthy growing baby boy, a puppy that makes me laugh more than cry ;), an amazing family back home, and excellent friends who thankfully have managed to not forget about me way down in here! :)
hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend!!