besides we've already gotten snow (before the wind blew it away!) and I know you folks back home are starting to get in the Christmas mood with the first snow this morning so happy holidays!
Above the fireplace...scent in candle: Festival of Trees to make up for the tiny fake tree of course!
Fireplace- we'll be adding stockings as soon as we can put a K or W on a stocking instead of a boring B ;-)
Above the cupboards, yes channel 24 is the Hallmark channel. I've now cried during Christmas Card and currently cried twice during November Christmas- SO sweet!!
TaaaDaaa our ity, bity Christmas tree!
Lazy bones Mike who played Words with Friends while I decorated the tree... so if I'm sucking and you all are kicking my butt- its actually my retarded lineman who hijacked my phone...
I wanted to take close up of our tree... we themed it Wyoming Christmas hehe its all cowboy ornaments.
My "fancy towels" like Mom said Grandma, Mom and myself are probably the only ones who have trained our husbands not to use them, they are our decorative ones ;-)
My favorite part of winter- Flannel sheets! love them :) and course my lazy dog... must be tired of chewing my Toms and trying to take down the tree!
Lastly since decorating for Christmas is suppose to be a family deal so of course I wanted pictures with my boys... as you can see Mike was impatient and irritated cause I took him away from MY phone... Mom said "welcome to marriage!"
And Remmi well he just wanted to eat my braid! this shows his true character...
Well I hope you're all enjoyin the snow back home... we're wishing we could trade this wonderful now 60 mph winds in for some snow :)
Love, love, love! So glad I'm not the only one with a christmas tree up!