Monday, January 2, 2012


2012: the year the world ends? naw the year life got a little bit more awesome.

i know everyone keeps saying "wow can't believe its 2012" well i'm going to put that on repeat and say it... HOLY COW its 2012! 2012, we've put it in everything. our emails, passwords, and even our garage code in our apartment. why? because its the year Mike is finished with the apprenticeship. yes that's right FINISHED!!
we've always known its going to be a huge, wonderful year and we're so incredibly ready to start it.

in true Cayla fashion i've created a few lists for the new year. i love resolutions and goals. typically i'm pretty great at keeping and conquering them. my last years resolutions were:
-stop texting and driving: bam! nailed that one. yes i text at stop lights but for the most part i've completely eliminated it.
-pay off student loan: we paid off the big one of the three. our original thought was i would still be working so that was a little difficult to completely finish.
-be the best friend i can be. with that said--- i'm done wasting time on friends who don't try back: alright this one is a little difficult to judge. based on my current relationships i'm about half and half :)

so for 2012:
my resolutions
-have a natural birth
-after baby arrives, be a healthy, fit mama! (i know typical right!)
-yoga. now this one is kinda a far fetched one given i'm going to have a new born here soon BUT shoot high right? i would really love to get certified as a yoga instructor for regular yoga, prenatal and baby yoga.
-i need to stop letting people get to me. i put a lot into my friendships and expect it back. i need to understand that others just don't think like me. i need to develop a thicker skin. besides i have an amazing husband, a healthy baby, a supportive family, and a few wonderful friends- why bother with people who aren't at the same point as us?

family resolutions
-stop cussing
-pay off 2nd half of loan, my ring and our four wheeler.
-get journeyman lineman's ticket by 2013
-Remmi needs to listen better ;)

so here we go.... welcome 2012. we're excited and nervous but ready! oh and by the way Happy 24 week Wesson. 6 months down!! :)

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