Saturday, November 9, 2013

NSUJL High Voltage 5k

I'm still soaking in how amazing the "cda virtual" NSUJL fun run went today! I don't have all the numbers from the California run so I'm waiting to brag how the run went from the business point of view for the NSUJL blog so I'm starting here to brag about how flipping awesome the North West is!

IBEW USA Strong.

As you may not know I started this run after hearing about the virtual link up for the NSUJL 5k in California. My goal: get maybe 10 friends together and run the 3.1 together. A month after talking about it and my flyer being shared all around I quickly surpassed that goal and my final count today was 64 runners!! That's not even everyone who showed up to support today! That's an amazing first annual count!

Our morning started off a little rocky due to me being naïve and just assuming I could use school property without permission. Turns out just being a LCHS alumni does not mean you don't have to fill out forms, woops! Luckily the guys that were there setting up bucket trucks don't panic like me and decided we'd move across the street into the field, not sure who owned that property buuuuuut no issues and it was an even better set up.

A huge shout out to Brian Partington, Ben Cook, and Jackson Wilkey for bringing the bucket trucks and the digger, seriously an event can't fail without an American flag being strung up above your tent!
best turn out thanks to these guys... apparently I didn't get the "no smile bad ass JL pose" memo
rock stars!

Once we got settled in across the street I was finally able to relax a little. Also big thanks to Matt and Kelsey for coming early and helping set up! And also for celebrating after ;) And of course to my parents and Brandy & Robyn for watching my baby and keeping him entertained. And to Sam and Whitney for coming along to support even though it was freezing! Sam was the first one to register way back when I panicked cause I was not going to have anyone! lol I was so happy to see one of my newest friends who has earned a special spot in my heart, Colleen who unfortunately has seen first hand what tragedy can come out of being a lineman.

I was also able to meet so many more friends and line wives (that actually live in the area!) I'm so excited to get together and let the babies play! Good luck to one of my new friends who's leaving tomorrow on her new journey to be with her apprentice lineman in non other than Casper, Wyoming! Sound familiar? :) Kim, you have the check out the yoga studio there, you'll love it!

aunt brandy & aunt rob

super happy line baby!

Once the walkers (<<----- walking dead anyone?!) made the loop around, I put Mike and Matt to work handing out waters, hot chocolate and snacks (duh Amanda ;)) I was pleasantly surprised to hear so much praise about the loop. That's one of the bigger things I was worried about. Mike and I personally love the loop and chose it because it was close to our house and we only had 10 people! I was worried it would feel crowded but so many people loved the fall leaves :) yay!

After we rounded the troops we were able to have a donation raffle. Thanks to Bashlin Industries, Local 396, and the Avista Lineschool (remember those copper scorpions they donated?) we were able to raise over $300!

raffle time!
I am so very, very pleased with the North West turn out. I have so many ideas for next year already including possibly moving it up a little sooner (it's cold up here folks!) and probably double checking what permits I might need!
For it just being the first annual NSUJL run, I can't wait to see our turn out next year! I'll be sure to share the NSUJL blog once all pictures are sent in and the rest of the information is collected! So far I've gotten pictures from runners in Connecticut, Colorado, Utah,  New Jersey, and California. How flipping cool to see us band together nation wide!
proud line family!

IBEW & NSUJL seals look best together ;)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the bucket trucks were quite a save there. Heh. With the list of other uses they have: lifts, elevation, etc., it's cool to have these around when you need them.

    Bucket Trucks
